01 December, 2014

○○○12 / 2014 ○○○ C O L L A G E ○○○

Huge thanks to those who have contributed in our last month's theme - so many amazing interpretations were linked - have a look at the Nov. 2014 Gallery ! Happy December to all our participants and visitors! We would like to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas time with family and friends and relaxing time enough for making Art-Journaling in calm and warm atmosphere. We are thrilled to bring you the last theme for this year, we thought we  would choose
The theme really needs no explanation, it's one that is entirely open to interpretation, where the process or the act of making in itself fits the brief and is also the subject.
Our lovely Valerie from Bastelmania made an inspiring example for us all again.

 Valerie  always  visits all the participants

for commenting on each single contribution ! 

 Thank you so much Valerie! You are amazing!

Herzlichen Dank an alle Teilnehmer vom vergangenen Monat - so viele großartige Arbeiten wurden gelinkt - schau doch einfach in unserer Nov.2014 Galerie vorbei. Einen besinnlichen Advent wünschen wir Euch und wünschen Euch eine frohe Zeit mit Familie und Freunden - ein besinnliches  Fest und genug Zeit um in entspannter Atmosphäre vielleicht auch ein paar  Muse Stunden mit dem Kunsttagebuch zu genießen. Wie freuen uns das letzte neue Thema des Jahres zu veröffentlichen, wir haben diesmal

gewählt . Das Thema bedarf keiner besonderen Erklärungen - es ist offen für alle möglichen Interpretationen - es geht  um den Schaffensprozess diesmal. Also klebt nach Herzenslut!
Die liebe Valerie von Bastelmania hat wieder ein wunderschönes Beispiel - die tolle Collage oben - für diesen Monat  für uns gewerkelt und sie besucht auch immer ausnahmslos alle Teilnehmer und kommentiert jeden einzelnen Beitrag! Sie ist wunderbar!

Here is the  button for this month's event - so that you simply can just click the button in the course of December  to see all entries at one glance./Klick einfach diesen Galerie-Knopf  um im Laufe des Monats sämtliche Beiträge auf einen Blick zu sehen. 



  1. What a fabulous theme, I'm looking forward to making collages and seeing what everyone else does too.

  2. Another great theme. Valerie's first contribution is amazing. Such much to see in one piece. I love it.

  3. Oooh, this months theme has so many opportunities!!!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's interpretations - I had so much fun and was so inspired by all the great pages in last months theme that I can't wait to join in again! Now all I need is to find the time!!!!

  4. Wow what a great collage!!

  5. Great theme for this month. its gorgeous page of inspiration Valerie.

  6. wonderful theme Valerie... I'll be joining soon :)

  7. Beautiful, thanks Valerie for a great theme, I love your first contribution!

  8. As always, I thoroughly enjoy the interesting detailing in Valerie's work. Happy Holidays!

  9. Another brilliant theme with a super inspiration piece from Valerie!
    I look forward to visiting everyone.
    Thank you for a year of wonderful challenges.

  10. Susi convinced me to add this entry made for a different challenge. Thanks Susi. I'm a BIG fan of collage.

  11. Two clicks and here I am at your place. I haven't done many collages yet. However, here is one I reallly like. :-) Inspired by a great artist.

  12. Thanks Valerie for the prompt to add my snowmen.
    Apologies for the Linky mix up, I realy don't know what happened with the first link going to AJJ
    Yvonne x

  13. So happy finally to be part of the Art Journal Journey... I think journalling might be my new place to experiment in 2015.
    Alison xx


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.