01 July, 2020

When It's Hot

Hi everyone.  It's Erika who many of you know from my blog  BioArtGal. This month I am your host here at Art Journal Journey. 
I used to love July because as a teacher, I was on my summer break. 
This year July is even more exciting for me because not only am I on my summer break after a crazy year of teaching (which included 12 weeks of online teaching because of Covid-19), but I am also starting my retirement after 36 years in school.
And when I think about summer break and the month of July, I think of hot weather.  So that's our new challenge this month:

This month I'm asking you to journal about the summer heat or things you do when it's hot. Maybe even journal about what you do to stay cool when it is hot. In other words, think about July and summer. Or if that doesn't excite you, you can create anything that  has to do with this month's When It's Hot phrase. 

And don't forget, this is an art journaling challenge, so although we love your cards and other artwork, please follow those rules and post only art journaling of ANY KIND. 


  1. Thank you Erika for the inspiring and topic theme.
    Happy July everyone,

  2. Great theme! Love the inspiration page! Hoping to find time to make a few pages!! Chrisxx

  3. Great theme and beautiful page, Erika!
    I wish everyone a lot of joy this month!
    Greetings Elke

  4. So pleased to see you hosting this month Erika! You chose such a fabulous theme too - love it 😁. Happy July! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Nice to have you back hosting, Erika. Great theme!

  6. A sizzling theme Erika, look forward to the challenge. Happy July (4th) all.. xx

  7. Now you've got me really thinking...fun topic!! Thanks Erika!

  8. Hot, hot, hot theme and journal page Erika!

  9. Great journal page. I like the theme. Thank you for hosting ArtJournalJourney this month.

  10. Fantastic theme and example! Just entered mine. Thanks for the fun challenge!

  11. This is such a fun topic especially right now! I can't wait to share my work for this fun challenge, Erika!

  12. Gorgeous page and background Erika, awesome theme this month!
    Tammy x

  13. Congratulations Erika for inspiring us, lovely your pages and fantastic theme!
    Have all a great weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.