01 March, 2015


Hello to all friends of ART JOURNAL JOURNEY! 
We have a new month, bringing with it a new theme for you to join in!


 We so hope you will have fun and you come up with as many entries as there were in February !
Thanks to all of you for participating!

ART JOURNAL JOURNEY CHALLENGE celebrates it's 4th birthday this month and we are really happy that so many artists are with us every month! This is just wonderful!

The lovely and artsy - crafty blog lady CHRISSIE

is our hostess this month and she made the beautiful example above  to inspire you 

Here is was Chrissie wrote for us:

Hi All!

I was so excited to be asked to be guest hostess for March as it is thanks to Susi and Valerie that I discovered art journaling. I am still learning so much about it from all the wonderful blogs of the people that join in the challenges here. Since I was a small child I have always done some sort of crafting and had lots of inspiration from many of my family members. My favourite sort of crafting is altering and recycling using various techniques that I have learnt over the years. I also love to work in Paint Shop Pro which I have been doing for over 20 years so you can be sure there will be some digital pages during the month as well as painted and mixed media ones. It will be great to see what you make and I look forward to visiting your blogs. My blog is Jumbled Crafts and I hope you will pop in say hello sometime.

Have a look at the dreaded rules which you can read HERE. 

Hallo Ihr lieben Freunde von Art Journey Challenge ! Diesen Monat feiert ART JOURNAL JOURNEY seinen 4. Geburtstag und wir freuen uns riesig so viele Künstler/innen jeden Monat mit dabei zu haben! Unser neues THEMA diesmal heisst:


 Die liebe CHRISSIE von JUMBLED CRAFTS  ist diesmal unsere Gastgeberin  und hat die schöne Seite oben für uns zur Inspiration gewerkelt. Chrissie hat angeregt durch Art Journal Journey das Art Journal für sich entdeckt und betreibt es neben vielen anderen kreativen Hobbies, wie ALTERED ART, MIXED MEDIA und Recycling-Kunst. Sie ist seit ihrer Kindheit, aufgewachsen in einer kreativen Familie, eine Bastel- und Handarbeitsseele und beschäftigt sich seit über 20 Jahren auch mit PAINT SHOP PRO. Daher werden wir diesen Monat sicher auch einige digitale Arbeiten zum Thema von ihr zu sehen bekommen. Chrissie freut sich schon auf Eure Beiträge und natürlich auch über  Eure Besuche und Kommentare auf JUMBLED CRAFTS!

 REGELN BEACHTEN nachzulesen  HIER .

Click on the above  button  to see all entries at one glance./ Klick  obigen Galerie-Knopf um sämtliche Beiträge auf einen Blick zu sehen.


  1. Congratulations Art Journal Journey for completing four years. This is my favourite blog and I got lot of friends through this. Looking forward, many more happy years with you Susi and all AJJ contributors.
    March has wonderful theme so the Chrissie's journal page. Its very refreshing and inspiring.

  2. Great theme, Chrissie, looking forward to making something for it.
    Your sample is wonderful with a fine message.

  3. I love that butterfly piece :-) Congrats on reaching 4 years. I am new to art journaling and only just started this week :-D
    Thank you for this fun Challenge - I am glad I found you.

    IKE xxx

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog

  4. Congratulations on your 4th Birthday. Its a super new theme and an inspiring page from Chrissie. Look forward to joining the fun this month.
    Yvonne xx

  5. I'm looking forward to some crafty time. It's a wonderful theme. Regula

  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur eurem 4 Geburtstag,es macht einfach spass bei euch mit zu machen,auch dieses mal ist es ein tolles thema von chrissie.
    ich denke da kommen,ganz,ganz viele beiträge.

    GLG Jeannette

  7. I LOVE Chrissie's inspirational page. Blessings!

  8. Wow. Four years!
    And congrats and thanks to Chrissie for the month of winged inspiration!

  9. Thanks for a great theme! And huge congrats to the fourth anniversary of Art Journal Journey! It definitely is a great source of inspiration to turn to when it comes to art journaling! Looking forward to another four (and mroe) years!

    Claudia xxx

  10. Lieben Dank für Eure lieben Kommentare und Besuche auf meinem Blog
    LG Sandra

  11. A wonderful March theme Chrissie, I love your butterflies!
    Alison x

  12. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 4 Jahren AJJ. Es ist immer eine Freude bei euch Gast zu sein und hier so tolle Leute und ihre Werke kennen zu lernen. Danke!
    LG Sabine

  13. Great challenge! Love the theme! Thank you for the inspiration!
    Branka xxx

  14. I'm SO SORRY. I have no idea what I'm doing. I kept thinking of Moo Mania with the black birds and completely forgot this site is for JOURNALS only. I couldn't delete my entry, but I hope you can. Thanks in advance, and I truly apologize. It's rather late here and that's the only excuse I have.

    1. doesn't matter Elizabeth - it may happen.. we deleted it!

  15. Please could you delete 117 as the link didn't work. I have added it again

    Thank you

    Chrissie xx

  16. I found your blog yesterday. You are great! Thank you for inspiration!

  17. A wonderful theme, it got me flying with my own wings and having lots of colour fun!

  18. lovely scene and theme by Chrissie!!

  19. Happy birthday AJJ! So happy to join in this month. Great theme!
    Alison x

  20. Love the theme for this month! First time I'm joining, thanks for sharing. :)


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.