01 January, 2016

01 / 2016 ***WINTER WONDERLAND***

Hello There Everyone!
Chrissie here again to host a 
Winter Wonderland
theme which I have chosen for this month. 
 I was honoured last March when I was asked by Susi and Valerie to be an AJJ host and I am doubly honoured to be invited back again to be host on this wonderful blog.

 I hope lots of people will join in and look forward to visiting all the blogs and getting to know you a little better.

Have a look at the dreaded rules which you can read HERE.  

Diesmal ist die liebe Chrissie wieder unsere Gastgeberin. Sie hat 
für uns als Thema gewählt . Chrissie hofft, dass Ihr wieder zahlreich mit dabei seid und  freut sich schon Eure Blogs zu besuchen und Euch näher kennen zu lernen. 
 REGELN BEACHTEN nachzulesen  HIER . 

01/2016 Gallery

Click above button in the course of the month to see all entries at one glance./ Klick einfach obigen Galerie-Knopf um im Laufe des Monats sämtliche Beiträge auf einen Blick zu sehen.  


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  1. Beautiful inspiration Chrissie for this newest and first challenge of 2016!
    Happy New year Everyone!!

  2. Happy New Year and what a great start!!

  3. Fabulous inspiration Chrissie, a super theme for January.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Terrific theme, Chrissie, and your painting is definitely a beautiful Winter Wonderland.

  5. Brilliant theme and such wonderful inspiration! Chrisx

  6. Thank you AJJ for another lovely theme.
    Your winter wonderland looks really lovely Chrissie.
    Here's to a New Year full of fun and creativity.

  7. Wonderful inspiring piece Chrissie.
    Looking forward to joining in this theme... Gill xx

  8. wonderful theme and lovely inspiration Chrissie!

  9. I love Winter so couldn't miss out here, such beautiful Winter pieces, thanks Chrissie, your featured Winter Art is magical!

  10. A lovely theme, and so nice to have the time to play along again.hope to hop round and see some of the other entries too.
    Alison x

  11. Thank you Chrissie for a wonderful theme!


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.