31 May, 2016

06 / 2 0 1 6 ***************** M A P S ********************

Hi, everyone! Happy June!  My name is 

and I am so excited to have the honor of being your hostess at Art Journal Journey this month!  Many thanks to Valerie and Susi for the invitation!  If you haven't "met" me before, I love maps – their lines, rhythm, movement and patterns.  I find inspiration in vintage atlases I collect, fascinated by the antiquated pages and the ideas of time and travel they contain. 

 I chose “MAPS” as the theme for this month, so that we could all do some exploring in our art journal pages! Your art journal pages could contain maps that are real or imaginary, drawn or collaged. Your pages could be about a physical trek outward or personal journey inward, or could be about a favorite place or somewhere you want to visit in your lifetime! Think creative cartography! I had a blast creating these art journal pages containing a paper airplane flying over a map of constellations! I can’t wait to see your art journal pages about MAPS and where they take you this June! 

Please leave a comment after linking... And have a look at the dreaded rules which you can read HERE. Thank you! Only larger artwork in an Art Journal or on Canvas or loose pages - larger than DIN A 6 (105x145mm=4,1 x 5,8 inches) will be accepted. Digital Layouts are welcome as well. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE TOPIC! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Die begabte und renommierte Künstlerin 


ist diesmal unsere Hostess für Juni . Sie ist dafür bekannt  mit Landkarten zu arbeiten - besuche ihre Website  - falls Du Mary  noch nicht kennst! 
So liegt es  nahe, dass sie 


für uns wählte und obiges wunderschönes Beispiel dafür gearbeitet hat. Bei ihrer Doppelseite im Art Journal  fliegt ein Papierflieger über einen Teil einer Sternenkarte. Du kannst Deiner Phantasie natürlich wieder vollkommen freien Lauf lassen! Verwende Landkarten- und /oder  Pläne  als Collageelement(e) , gezeichnet / gemalt /gestempelt...
tobe Dich aus und solange Du Dich bitte wie immer an die Mitmachvoraussetzungen hältst und das Thema beachtest, darfst Du soviele Beiträge verlinken wie Du möchtest! Bitte hinterlasse einen Kommentar nach dem Verlinken- danke!

Gallery June 2016

Click above button in the course of the month to see all entries at one glance./ Klick einfach obigen Galerie-Knopf um im Laufe des Monats sämtliche Beiträge auf einen Blick zu sehen. 


  1. A wonderful theme and example Mary! We all will have much fun this month I guess!
    oxo Susi

  2. Hello Mary, nice to meet you. Your theme "Maps" sounds intriguing and your artwork sample is inspiring. I like the paper aeroplane going on its celestial journey.

  3. Delighted to be this months hostess! Thank you Valerie and Susi! It's going to be a fun month of maps!

  4. Hi Mary! So excited to learn about this challenge and that you are hosting this month! Such a fun and inspiring theme!

  5. Hello, Mary! I love your map page. It expresses the idea of the journey so very well!

    Thanks for visiting Marmelade Gypsy and welcoming me. What lovely things I am discovering today!

  6. Wonderful map page in a very own special style. Thank you for our new theme.

  7. Hello Mary, this is a super theme and fantastic inspiration pages.

  8. I like this blue, the theme, and the pink curved line!

  9. My favorite theme. I have submitted a piece I did a while ago. Hope it is acceptable. I will do another piece just for this challenge, I promise :)

  10. At last a chance to play along with this great theme! Chrisx

  11. Fab theme and inspiration, looking forward to joining in with this.. Gill x


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.