01 January, 2018


Hi, it's Erika N, also known as BioArtGal
2018 is here.  I can't believe 2017 is already over, but since it is, it's that time of year when we think about  resolutions and exciting new things we might like to try. Maybe there are some  new places you might like to visit.  Are you picking a word for the year? Are you coming up with some goals? Do you have some new art techniques you'd like to try? Whether the new year means you have some big plans or no plans, this month it's time to think about what kind of adventures you'd like ,or plan, to have.  My challenge this month is New Year, New Adventures. I can't wait to see what adventures you take us on.

Ein frohes Neues Jahr für Euch alle. Für Januar haben wir die Freude Euch  Erika N. vom Blog BioArtGal  als  unsere Hostess zu präsentieren. Erika schreibt: "Ich kann nicht glauben, dass 2017 bereits vorbei ist, aber da es so ist, ist nun die Zeit des Jahres, in der wir gute Vorsätze fassen und aufregende neue Dinge planen, die wir gerne ausprobieren würden. Vielleicht gibt es einige neue Orte, die Du vielleicht besuchen möchtest. Suchst Du ein/Dein Wort für das Jahr 2018 ? Hast Du ein paar Ziele? Hast Du neue Techniken im Kreativbereich, die Du ausprobieren möchtest? Ob Du nun große Pläne  oder gar keine Pläne hast, diesen Monat ist es an der Zeit nachzudenken, welche Abenteuer Du gerne erleben würdest oder planst. Meine Herausforderung in diesem Monat heisst 
Neues Jahr, Neue Abenteuer. 
Ich kann es kaum erwarten zu sehen, auf welche Abenteuer Du Dich einlässt."

Wie immer viel Spaß - As always have fun
 und bitte beachte die Regeln - and please take a look at our rules
♥ Erika, Elizabeth, Susi ♥


  1. Happy New Year to everyone at AJJ.
    What a great theme to start the year with and lovely to see Erika hosting - it'll be a fun month xx

  2. Happy New Year AJJ, its a great new theme to start 2018.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Happy new year everyone!
    A great theme to start off 2018 Erika, and wonderful art!
    Alison xox

  4. Happy New Year dear friends! Erika your opening for this month looks wonderful.
    I am happy to visit you all and to see your artworks again this new year.
    Dear greetings

  5. Love your page Erika-what a great way to begin the new year!!

  6. Happy New Year to you all!
    Awesome prompt! Thanks for trying to keep me on tract with my journal, I love doing it but other things get in the way too often lol! Karen x

    1. It's life that needs us - lol!
      Thank you for being with us dear Karen!

  7. Ugh, I have to pull out my German grammar book and practice my German with your blog. I need to learn so that I can visit my sister in Berlin! Love your inspiration page!

    1. Isn't that a fun way to practice German with us?! You are welcome to our artsy language course-lol!

  8. Great post as usual. I would not live without traveling. Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.
    Travel early and travel often. Live abroad, if you can. Understand cultures other than your own. As your understanding of other cultures increases, your understanding of yourself and your own culture will increase exponentially.
    Did you know that you can print favorite photos of your work and hang them on the wall as canvas prints?

    Add comments


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.