01 July, 2018

Art for Art's sake

Hi, I’m Chris and I’m probably better known as Pearshaped Chris - a name that connects me to my blog Pearshapedcrafting.  I am thrilled to be returning as hostess at AJJ!  My theme of 

‘Art For Art’s Sake’ 

is all about having some arty fun with techniques and art supplies (especially if you have some you don’t use so much). For my page I have used a paint peeling technique! I have also used some of my favourite stamps, which just happen to be art supplies!!  I am looking forward to seeing what you make, as of course, you choose what to journal about!

Have fun and please as always: Don't forget to take a look at our RULES .


Für diesen Monat begrüßen wir die inspirierende

'Kunst um der Kunst Willen'

heisst es diesen Monat und  es geht darum Spaß mit Techniken und Kunst/Bastelmaterialen zu haben (vor allem wenn du welche hast, die du nicht so oft benutzt :-). Für Ihre Seite hat Chris eine Farbschältechnik mit Vaseline genutzt
( Peeled Paint Technik ) und einige Ihrer Lieblingsstempel , die ja bekanntlich auch Bastel/Kunst -Material sind . 
 Wir freuen uns schon wieder sehr auf Deine Beiträge : Diesmal liegt es also ganz bei Dir welches Thema Du für Deine Seiten wählst . Es geht um den Spaß an der Technik und den Materialien und um die Freude am künstlerischen Schaffen an sich! Hab Spaß und vergiss bitte nicht dabei auch unsere REGELN zu beachten. 

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  1. Stunning page Chris and exciting theme - I shall really enjoy this :)
    Looks like being a messy July and I'll be wearing a lot of protective clothing as the paint and inks will flying everywhere.
    Have a great month... Gill xx

  2. A brilliant challenge Chris, and a fabulous arty page!
    Alison xxx

  3. What a super page Chris, love the theme, look forward to seeing everyone's makes it's sure to be a creative one!!
    Hugs Tracey xx

  4. LOVE both the theme and your inspiration page Chris!!

  5. A very cool technique and page Chris, gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing, and the idea, I love it!!
    Have a great creative and fun Summer!
    Hugs, Coco xxx

  6. Great theme! Excited to be a part of the collection this month!

  7. Wonderful theme and great technique you shared! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. A wonderful theme dear Chris and a great opening.
    I'll look what I can make for this Monte.

  9. I love your color scheme, Chris!

  10. Great theme, Chris, and I finally managed to make something for it.
    Love the colours and atmosphere of your inspiration piece.

  11. AnonymousJuly 20, 2018

    Fab page, Chris, and great theme which I really enjoyed working with!

  12. I love your composition Chris and the theme is wonderful. I've shared at #109

  13. Your Art Journal page is fantastique Chris !! lovely theme !! this technique is fabulous with wonderful result ! Thank you so much.
    All the pages are so great!
    I´m afraid I ´ve put in my full name, and I don´t know how to correct it, sorry.
    I wish a nice day/evening/night, hugss,

  14. Love the energy of this page, great stamps too. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking time to comment x Amanda #35


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.