01 December, 2016

Light and Darkness

Hi Everybody!

Valerie here again with a new theme for December -
light and darkness.

December is a dark and cold month in the northern hemisphere
and since thousands of years people have been celebrating
festivals which bring light into these days.

We light candles for Advent, Yule and Chanukka, put lights on the trees, light up our houses and towns with decorations, and look forward to the winter solstice – a festival celebrated by many people in ancient times and today
 – because it means that the days start to get longer again.

We want you to show light on your journal pages, to show how light dispels the darkness etc.
Think of the sun, stars, moon, lanterns lighting the way, candles, the glow of the fire on a winter's evening – I am sure you will be able to come up with many ideas.
I made a mixed media/hybrid page:

And before I forget, we will not be pinning onto Pinterest anymore. This has got very time consuming, especially as there have been a lot of problems with Pinterest this year.
Susi and I are very much looking forward to seeing your ideas for this challenge.


Please leave a comment after linking... And have a look at the dreaded rules which you can read HERE. Thank you! You can link as many entries as you want as long as they fit the topic. Only larger artwork in an Art Journal or on Canvas or loose pages - larger than DIN A 6 (105x145mm=4,1 x 5,8 inches) will be accepted. Digital Layouts are welcome as well.


Unser Thema heisst:
"Licht und Dunkelheit"
Im Dezember, dem dunkelsten Monat der nördlichen Hemisphäre feiern wir seit Ewigkeiten Lichterfeste rund um die Zeit der "Wintersonnenwende". Denk an Advent, Weihnacht, an Hanukkah, an das Julfest, an die Lichter auf Bäumen und Licht - Dekorationen. Kerzen, Laternen, die Sonne, der Mond, alles was die Dunkelheit erhellt, ist diesmal gefragt auf den Seiten im Kunsttagebuch.
Wir freuen uns schon auf Eure Beiträge und wünschen Euch einen schönen Dezember! Bitte beachtet wie immer die Regeln und berücksichtigt das Thema und schreibt auch bitte einen Kommentar nach dem Verlinken! Valerie ist unsere Hostess und ihre schöne Beispielseite oben wurde hybrid gearbeitet.
 Und eine kleine Änderung gibt es auch - wir werden die einzelnen Beiträge nicht mehr speziell in einer Galerie posten, da es wegen gehäufter technischer Probleme bei Pinterest in den letzten  Monaten einfach zu zeitaufwendig wurde !



  1. Terrific subject to choose Valerie and a wonderful page from you.

    Sorry about Pinterest as I loved seeing all the entries but imagine it was very time consuming. Thank you for doing it as long as you did.

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Looking forward to this! Love your inspiration page!! Chrisx

  3. Gutes neues Thema zur Lichterzeit und dein Beispiel liebe Valerie sieht wieder richtig klasse aus. Ich war auch schon fleißig und stelle gleich Etwas dazu ein.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. A fantastic new theme and inspirational page Valerie.
    Sorry about Pinrest, I think we can all do without added problems. Thank you both for doing it for so long,
    Yvonne xx

  5. what a wonderful theme-open to many ways to explore! Fabulous art Valerie! Hoping to participate soon:)

  6. Fab theme and great inspiration Valerie - thank you.
    Looking forward to this :)
    Thank you for all the hard work and time that you both put into Pinterest xx

  7. Great page and wonderful theme, Valerie. hugs, teresa

  8. I love the male silhouettes! And the great thing is - only a fortnight and the day starts to get longer <3

    1. Yes, that is a day I am looking forward to!

  9. Thank you, Valerie, for the wonderful theme this month! I really enjoyed creating my page for your challenge!

  10. Good topic for the month :)

    your posted work does have a lot of light to it, and a bit of dark as well. Works well for the theme :)

  11. Well here I am Valerie, my first link up. I hope I've done it correctly.
    Great theme and I'm thinking this is a very inspiring link. Thanks for the invitation :D

  12. Thanks for inspiring themes this year - I wish you all a Happy New Year.

  13. Great theme, thank you. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

    Crafty Hugs Sonia xx

  14. Your challenge for December is wonderful Valerie.
    For some reason it won't let me enter my page.
    I can imagine how labor intensive doing the Pinterest was.
    It sure was nice and handy while it lasted.
    Thank you and Susi for all you do to make mixed media art so special.
    You bring so many of us together and that is a beautiful thing I am most grateful for.
    Many thanks for another wonderful year eventho I missed a big chunk of it.
    Susi's collage theme was brilliant too.
    Here's to another wonderful year of sharing.

  15. Fourth try was the charm :-)

    1. Great that it worked -
      Thanks a lot dear Patty!
      We are happy to have you with us!

  16. Valerie, your page is stunning. I got my page done just under the wire. Happy New Year! Helene


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.