01 February, 2017

Fifty Shades of RED

Hi, Linda K here from heARTfully Inspired
 It is an honor to be guest host once again. The theme I have chosen for this month is  
Fifty Shades of RED
There are SO many shades you can explore and invent besides the specific ones on the market. We'd love to see what you come up with! Any subject is welcome as long as RED is the dominant color. As this is my very favorite color and I am especially looking forward to your art:) Happy creating!

Linda made the beautiful example page for us.

Wishing us all fun with Linda's theme again! Please have a look at the dreaded rules which you can read HERE. Thank you! You can link as many entries as you want as long as they fit the topic. Only larger artwork in an Art Journal or on canvas or loose pages - larger than DIN A 6 (105x145mm=4,1 x 5,8 inches) will be accepted. Digital layouts are welcome as well.


heisst es diesmal !
Das Thema wählst also Du selbst - Hauptsache die Farbe Rot dominiert! 
ist unsere Gastgeberin diemal und freut sich schon sehr auf Eure Seiten. Beachtet wieder die Richtlinien bitte!
Nur Seiten in Journalen, und Büchern und lose Arbeiten die größer als DIN A 6 (105x145mm) sind, sollst Du hier zeigen.  

I am sorry to announce that Valerie
  will leave AJJ since

  she will teach  art classes at a 

local art school and that requires a lot of time.

Thank you so much dear Valerie for all the intense and passionate work  you put into the Challenge Blog.
 Wishing you all the best and lots of joy
  with your teaching activities.
We will miss you tremendously.

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  1. A wonderful sample from Linda.

    Thank you for the challenge

  2. Ein wunderbares Beispiel Bild von Linda und ein super neues Thema,danke dafür.

  3. What a pretty page and fun challenge. congratulations Valerie! I know you will be a wonderful art teacher and enjoy every moment.

  4. Have fun with hosting your lovely challenge Linda!

  5. Thanks for the new challenge theme Linda, its a fantastic inspiration page.
    Yvonne xx

  6. A definite challenge for me - I don't use red nearly enough! Chrisx

  7. Great page from Linda. Good luck Valerie with your new job :-D xxxxx

  8. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely page by Linda.

  9. Thank you for a lovely red theme and your fine page Linda. Hugs

  10. I always enjoy Linda's work, as well as her blog friendship, so I'm excited to see her as a host in this fine website. Blessings!

  11. Gorgeous page by Linda, Love it! And thanks for the invite to participate :)

  12. Thank you for letting me know it was OK to enter this challenge as I didn't think my page qualified for the red. :) Glad I made it in time! Love your challenges!


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.