01 October, 2022

Fairytales, Folklore, & Fables - Tell Me A Story


Hello everyone and happy October!

It's Elle here from Empire of the Cat and I am so pleased to be hosting the October challenge. 

I live in Scotland, quite close to the sea but not as close as I would like (working on it). I am a cat person as you might have guessed from the name of my website! I have three lovely kitty companions who are a constant source of inspiration and one of them is almost as obsessed with art and art journalling as I am and spends a lot of time in the studio "helping" me or just offering moral support when it all goes terribly wrong. 

My theme for this month is Fairytales, Folklore & Fables - Tell Me A Story.  That's a bit of a mouthful isn't it but I did want to make it quite broad and give you options eg if you don't like fairytales, try folklore, if you don't feel inspired by folklore, try fables.   Here's some definitions that might help:

(fairy tale, fairytale, wonder tale, magic tale, fairy story) are generally are short stories with mythical creatures (dwarfs, unicorns, witches, giants, mermaids, dragons etc) and magic or enchantments.  Fairytales never claim to have any basis in truth and have no moral outcome like fables.

Verbal lore like tales, legends, jokes, proverbs, sea shanties, folk music, urban legends, epic poetry, ballads.
Material lore like arts and crafts, food recipes, folk art, costumes, pottery, woodwork etc. 
Customary lore like rituals and celebrations, weddings, folk dances, Christmas, Halloween, Trick or Treating, Crossing your fingers, Mime, Thanksgiving.

Fable: - a short fictional story, in prose or verse, that feature animals, plants, mythical creatures and always has a moral lesson at its core. In all of them, there is the opportunity for storytelling, so tell me a story on your page... or why not retell a story?

To introduce the theme, I have chosen to do just that, a retelling of a familiar tale, but with a twist.  Normally the wolves would be chasing Red Riding Hood through the forest at great peril, but instead she is taking them for a walk, which takes all the danger out of the story and turns it into a happy page with a girl taking her dogs for a walk.   I love October, it's a great month for art journalling for me - last year I managed to create 41 pages!  This year I have no plans to make that many pages but I will be working from a list of daily prompts because I find that helps to keep me thinking and motivated, and I will make this list available on my website if you want to follow along but that's totally up to you.    If technology is on my side I might also have a printable available.


So, I hope you find inspiration in this theme and I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Happy Journalling!



Please read the Dreaded Rules before you link your journal entry.


  1. Fabulous theme Elle, something to get my teeth into. Will get the old brain working, especially to tie in with my Thursdays when I am tied into Dylusional type things.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, looking forward to seeing your pages!

  2. What are the "Dreaded Rules" apart from giving the proper link? Special day? Sorry, I´m a newbie still, but I would have some material to add (good ole Henry).

    1. Hi Iris, the Dreaded Rules link is at the top of the page :) For some reason the image of my page is not showing up here but you can see it on my blog.

  3. Thank you for the interesting fabulous theme, Elle.
    Wishing happy October every one.

    1. Thanks Sirkkis, sorry the image is not showing up for some reason, but there is more on my blog

  4. Wow, intriguing theme, Elle, and so many ways to use it. I'm already thinking of gypsies, lol. Thanks for hosting! xox

  5. I am sorry you can't see your image on the blog, Elle. Not sure what else I can do, even though I've reloaded it three times. I think I'll need to put on my thinking cap for this month's challenge.

    1. It's showing fine now, whatever you did, it worked! Thanks!

  6. How nice to read somethig about you, Elle! The theme is wonderful and I'm going to make a page in my art journal 💛

    1. Hey Matilde, nice to see you, hope you can join in!

    2. Yeah! I managed to do it!

  7. Interesting theme. I have entered my folkdance art

  8. What a fabulous theme, Elle! Thank you!

  9. Wonderful to find my way here and with such an exciting Theme too.

  10. I have been wondering if the Dreaded Rules HAS to be used? I was thinking of doing something about what Countries I have visited. Or using my diary. Travelling memories. :)

  11. Really great AJ page and theme! Love the inspiration!


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.