01 January, 2023

Use a photo


Hello! I am Mia. I am married to a wonderful husband and work as a senior scientific officer in the public sector in Athens, the capital of Greece. I love animals and I have canaries and cats. I love art journaling, mixed media, and even digital creations. While I love coloring and making cute, elegant, vintage or romantic paper crafts, I often use non-traditional colors or try different styles or techniques. I also add collage and drawing, making quirky images. I am a multi-crafter and enjoy painting, sewing, stitching, crocheting, and making jewelry and cosmetics. I also love writing poems and taking photos of nature (sky, sea, flowers, trees and critters). You may see my creations on my blog, https://craftartista.blogspot.com/


For January, my theme is USE A PHOTO, ANY photo: 
I love taking photos. Especially photos of nature (sky, sea, lakes, flowers, trees, birds, animals, but also bees and butterflies). Nature is really beautiful. I always admire the landscapes and the seascapes when I travel. Hope you love taking photos as much as I do and will have fun making creations using your own photos. I will be glad if you join me at Art Journal Journey, so I can see your adorable art.



Please don't forget to read the rules.  NO CARDS, period!


  1. That is a beautiful piece of art!

  2. Beautiful artwork Mia, and a great theme for the new year!
    A happy New Year to everyone here!

  3. What a clever theme. I will certainly think of ways of using a photo or two in my work. Happy New Year xx

  4. Wow - this is stunning, Mia. Really well done and happy New Year. Fab theme!!!

  5. Lovely page Mia, love your window, and an interesting theme to get stuck into. Happy New Year everyone!

  6. Great art and theme, Mia! xoxo

  7. Thank you Mia for a nice challenge theme; your sample is beautiful.
    Happy New Year to everyone xx

  8. Beautiful page and wonderful theme :) Have a creative 2023! 🥰

  9. What a beautiful photo and page, Mia! I LOVE this month's challenge!

  10. Thank you so much for all your kind words. Hugs, my friends.

  11. Bardzo ciekawie i inspirująco wykonana praca!


We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.