01 May, 2024


Welcome to May. With the new month, it's time for a new challenge. This month at Art Journal Journey  we have something a little different for you. We have one new theme, but instead of one host, we have two. This month Valerie from Bastelmania is one of our hosts, and our second host is Erika from BioArtGal

Valerie of Bastelmania here, and I am much looking forward to hosting this month's challenge together with Erika. We live in different countries, far apart, but can work together, and that's great! We thought it would be fun to host together, and our theme this month is


Here's Valerie's piece

Don't be scared by the theme of poems. It doesn't have to be anything special or super complicated. You can choose a poem or short verse  or limerick or whatever poems you like. You can compose your own or choose works from famous people. main thing is to have fun. Make your poem part of a journal page, and that's the way to go! My first piece is very simple, a little poem about bees, as a tribute to Erika who cares for her bees:

Erika from  BioArtGal here. I'm excited to be working with Valerie. She said it perfectly. Although we live far apart, I love how we are working together. I guess I should have added some bees to my flower garden page. (grin). I know Valerie is like me and loves being outside (or making art) rather than doing housework.  I'm not sure if these 2 ladies in my journal page look like either of us, but here we are, both of us, outside on a beautiful May day.

Don't forget our dreaded rules at AJJ. Please, no cards, tags, ATC's and other art forms, but  we love all kinds of art journaling. And if you post on social media and link to us, we may not be able to comment on your piece.

Have fun and let's rock some poetry this month.


  1. What a super theme and a wonderful collaboration between Valerie and Erika. Both beautiful designs, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for free time to be able to play along this month.
    Happy May Crafting everyone x

    1. Thanks Tracey, looking forward to seeing your beautiful art, and keeping my fingers crossed that you will have some free time! Hugs!

  2. I like the idea.
    I think there will be amazing works of art,
    but also many hours of creative fun for each of us!!
    I'll try that as soon as I get time!
    Have a nice month!

  3. Thanks Katerina, I am looking forward to seeing your ideas and ceations, happy crafting! Hugs!

  4. The pages are stunning ladies! Love the theme this month and how fun to do a collaboration! Looking forward to seeing all the inspiration!

  5. Super theme, ladies!!!

  6. What a fun and creative theme! I love it! Thank you both for hosting this month!!!!

    1. You're welc ome, good to see you here!

  7. So glad I found this challenge and looking forward to more fun and inspirational themes in the future! I really enjoyed creating the artwork for this theme!

    1. Thanks Kym, I enjoyed looking at your lovey entries, too. Thanks so much for joining us!

  8. Oh crumbs! These are super cute pages! I love love love Erika's colours!! Makes me want to get my paints out! But sadly, I really have to fight the weeds in my garden!!

  9. Lovely poems and beautiful pages.

  10. Thanks for a lovely My prompt of poems



We are thrilled you visited and always look forward to your journal art.